According to the ever memorable Archimantrite Spyridon Bilalis,

Ecumenism, the greatest heresy of the twentieth century, preaching the dogmatic and religious syncretism(blending) and tending towards a single type of pan - religion for the equalization of the Christian confessions and religions, becomes the most lethal danger to Orthodoxy. (Archimandrite Spyridon Bilalis,

"Orthodoxy and Papism" Vol. A, Page 377, Athens 1969

A contribution to the historic - canonical evaluation of the problem of the validity of Western baptism, by Protopresbyter George D. Metallinos, D.Th., Ph.D. (3/6/09)
Ecumenism. Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus. Cease the dialogue with the Pope! (6/9/08)
Ecumenism. World - Dialogues of Truth. Great Anthony and contemporary ecumenism (6/4/2008)
Ecumenism. One more hierarch placed himself against the heresies. "Three heresies infect Orthodoxy, Papism, Protestantism and the pan-heresy of Ecumenism" (6/7/08)
Ecumenism. With this article we would like to express our deepest pain, sorrow and concern for what is happening lately against the...
Ecumenism. We do not have therefore Orthodox Confession, because we do not have Orthodox spiritual life. (26/7/2007)
Ecumenism. The Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, the voice of Orthodoxy... (1/5/08)
Ecumenism. Meeting of Bartholomew and Benedict, far from the path of the Holy Fathers.
Ecumenism. "From the epistle -confession of the Agiorites to the King Michael Paleologos against the then imposed false union with the Latins at Ferrara-Florence". (7/28/2007)
Ecumenism We, the Orthodox Greeks, desire the union in Christ, while you latins desire it in the Pope. If the Pope was in agreement with Christ, ....
Ecumenism. According to His plan, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down to earth willingly and in accordance with the Will of His Father.... (25/7/2007)
Ecumenism. In our time while Papism is collapsing, abandoned and disapproved by thousands, not only by its simple followers but also by prominent members... (14/7/2007)
Ecumenism. Elder Philotheos Zervakos,Orthodoxy and Heresy
Ecumenism. The first great step towards the coexistence with the heretics. (18/7/07)
A R T E M I J E The retired Bishop of Ras-Prizren September 13th, 2010 Shishatovac Monastery... (8/1/2011)
Ecumenism. Oracle of Pachomius to Theodore who revealed to him the truth of the Church and the fallacy of heresies. ( 8/6/2007)
Ecumenism. The report on the WCC by Bishop Raskas Artemios, that he submitted to the Synod of the Serbian Hierarchy, we. (6 Okt 07)
Ecumenism. How foolish is a sick person considered, who refuses a method of therapy that is recommended by all the physicians... (1/29/08)
Ecumenism. "The reply of the elder to a pious soul that resides abroad and who worries about the betrayal of Othodoxy by the ecumenists" (3/23/08)
"Be aware not to be corrupted from love of the heretics; for this reason do not accept any false belief (dogma) in the name of love. " (Fathers and Truth)

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