Theosophy: A philosophic and religious “gnostic” current, a continuation and synthesis of an-cient neo-Platonism and gnosticism which, in its newer form, was put forth mainly by the Theo-sophical Society (founded in 1875), by its founder Helena Petrovna Blavatski, a Russian “me-dium,” and which is now offered by the “New (Aquarian) Age” movement.

The main aim of theosophy is, on one hand, the development of a global core of a humanity free of discrimination based on religion, race, sex, class and colour. However, on the other hand, in relation to the previous objective, it aims to prove that all different religious faiths and heresies are essentially the same, with a common beginning and minor variations. Based on these aims, theosophy set out from the beginning to advance “comparative religion” as a means of demon-strating the origin of religions from common primary religious myths. However, characteristic of the theosophic understanding – due to its basically Hinduistic (and Buddhist, as concerns ethics) character – is the belief in rebirth and reincarnation, its denial of the existence of a personal God, spiritual pantheism (and in particular the presence of the divine essence in man; namely, man is in essence a god, a spark and emanation of divine essence with hidden divine powers), “evolutionism,” communication with already advanced beings of earlier periods (Spiritual Hie-rarchy) through spiritism (“mediumism”) and the expectation of a future teacher “Christ” (Mai-treya), “Christ of the Aquarian period,” which will surpass all the previous “teachers” (“Avatars”), even Jesus.

After Blavatski, Annie Besant became the leader of theosophy. She was head of the British sec-tor of the mixed (male and female) Masonic Order “Le Droit Humain” and after her came Alice Baily, who set out to create a particular theosophical group, the “Arcane School” (1923). She created and advanced the familiar modern day “New Age” movement, which has an intense messianic and anti-Christian character. The influence of theosophy on the mystic Masonic reli-gion is evident, the most important characteristic of which is Masonry’s adoption of the theo-sophic teaching of a future, final “World Teacher.” Based on many writings of Blavatski, the praiser of the Satan-serpent, as much as on the title of one of her magazines “Lucifer,” it evident that the term “theosophy” is derived in truth from the term “θεος-οφις” (Theos-ofis =god-serpent) and not from “θεου-σοφια” (Theou-sophia = Wisdom of God).

One branch of Theosophy, after its breakup in 1913, is “Anthroposophy” (wisdom of man) or “Rosicrusian” Theosophy founded by Rudolf Steiner.

Helena Blavatski characteristically wrote in her work, The Secret Doctrine: “Satan... is that angel who was proud enough to believe himself God; brave enough to buy his independence at the price of eternal suffering and torture... Satan, the serpent of Genesis, as the true creator and benefactor, the father of spiritual mankind... And he who was the first to whisper, ‘in the day you eat thereof you shall be as Elohim, knowing good and evil” can only be regarded in the light of a saviour.”


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