Τhe misfortune of a protestant "missionary"

By Monk Damascene, Gregoriou Monastery - Mount Athos

In August 1994, Kolouezi was turned upside down with advertisements, posters, notice boards and panels that "Christ" is coming to heal the blind, the lame and every sick person in the region. Thousands of dollars were spent on the preparations for the reception of a Pentecostal pastor, who started out from South Africa, to spread healing to the sick in the Congo.

The same preparation and bright appearance was made in Lumumbasi, the co-capital of Congo, where a large number of sick followed him with eager hope for their bodily recovery. From what they told me he would deliver the long desired health to those afflicted who went to him, naturally through demonic power, but how sad and tragic – for just one day! The following day they returned to the same beggarly condition and to the same torments.

It happened that the beginning of the preaching and the "healings" of the newly found "messiah" coincided with the start of the entreaties to our Theotokos during the period around the fast in August. Father Meletios informed the faithful in advance about the coming of the "messiah" and forbade them to attend, even out of curiosity. Only two or three faithful were allowed to attend on order to hear what the pastor said and then inform the person in charge.

Every afternoon at 3:30 the white "messiah" would summon the people in English and two other persons would translate in French and in Swahili with thunderous voices for the audience and healing. At the same time, Fr. Meletios in our Church of Saint George, which was about 200 meters from the demonic assembly, called for all the faithful to do an Entreaty Service (Paraklesis) to the Theotokos, a sermon and prayer with the komboskini (prayer rope) while kneeling. All the assemblies struggled to see who would prevail. The result was heard on the last day from the same "miraculous" big mouth Pentecostal. I remember the day was Sunday.

Here is what he said: "Until now, I have gone to many cities and countries. Everywhere my work was crowned with success. But what I suffered here in Kolouezi, happened to me for the first time. For so many days I could not perform a single healing, not even one! I wonder what happened. There must be some force here in the city, my dear ones, which strangely would not let me "heal" so that you believe in Jesus Christ. I depart very embittered and I shall not be able to come back to your city again."

The miracle of Christ and Theotokos was celebrated festively, and with the confession of the enemy of the Truth himself. The event was told to our faithful the following Sunday. Everyone was satisfied. They glorified God. They celebrated the wonders of God with hymns and religious songs.

Source:"The activity of sorcery in Africa" By Monk Damascene Gregoriatou "Orthodox Kypseli" Publication

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