The Church and fallacy

The Church and fallacy
Oracle of Pachomius to Theodore who revealed to him the truth of the Church and the fallacy of heresies.

     "When I chose the monastic life I was confused. Sometimes the disciples of Meletius Lykopolite would invite me and sometimes those of Markiona, to go with them to receive their teaching. I even learned that there were other heresies that none asserted to include the truth.
     With lots of tears I begged God to reveal to me who had the truth because I was really confused. While I was praying I got into a trance and I saw all the creation under the heavens, as if it were night and I heard from different places a voice saying, "Here is the truth". And I could see many who followed every voice and were led into darkness, leading one the other. Only near the eastern area of the world there was high up a torch that shone like a morning star. From there I heard a voice saying, "Do not be deceived by those who lead the people into darkness, but follow this light for in it is the truth". And immediately a voice was heard saying, "This torch you shining like the morning star, will someday shine for you brighter than the sun. It is the teaching of the Bible of Christ that is preached in His Holy Church in which you were baptized. He who calls you is Christ, in the appearance of Alexander, the Bishop of the Church of Alexanders. The other voices in the darkness belong to the heresies, that each has a demon for a master that calls and deceives many". Seeing many with bright raiments running towards the torch, I blessed God.
     Having ignored those that wanted to deceive me, I lived with the man of God Palamona, the imitator of the saints until an angel of the Lord appeared to me and said "Keep warm all those that come to you, with the fire that God lit up in you". And with the guidance and help of God I built these monasteries. "Know too that Athanasius, Bishop of the Church of Alexanders is enlightened by the Holy Spirit".       


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