Inexplicable behaviour of the ecumenists.


        In our time while Papism is collapsing, abandoned and disapproved by thousands, not only by its simple followers but also by prominent members, there come the representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the rest of the pro-union bishops ready to shore up the collapsing Papism, to stand by them to the point of calling her a sister Church and claim that the Papists are not heretics. It is a sad result, because the natural guardians of the unblemished faith and the protectors of the noetic flock from good shepherds became bad, and are of the opinion and preach against the faith and traditions of the Orthodox Church as well as of her faithful voices, the holy Godbearing Fathers.          
     Unfortunately, most of the Orthodox representatives have come to accept as important the heretic incarnate Pope. And not only they do not try to have the heretics return to Orthodoxy, but they praise the heresy and struggle to convince the Orthodox faithful that the heretic Papists and Protestants are not deceived. Those of the Orthodox Christians who rightly do not accept the anti-Orthodox acts, instead of being praised for their steadfastness of faith of their Fathers, they are severely persecuted. Thus the fall and perversion. Pro-union church members and theological circles, direct us towards a false union, to a great temptation and schisms. As the situation shows it is conducive to a gradual deepening and ever increasing betrayal of the Faith. Many of those who took the side to protect the Church and the flock, keep the silence of the fish and keep busy for the most part with the upkeep of the buildings and so become indirectly accomplices with those that impose on the Orthodox faith. We shall find ourselves unfortunately facing “de-facto” events. The false union it seems they have already decided by secret agreements and they advance it by doses, like the common prayers of the Orthodox with westerners and other innovative and strongly unsupportable fabrications.
      The unbreachable fort of Orthodoxy in our times, is more in danger by particular patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, clerics and lay people, who are shipwrecked in faith and struggle hard for the evil union since it is not in accordance with Christ and the Truth. When do the Bishops of the Orthodox Church and the forefront forts of Faith, the Holy Monasteries, intend to sound the alarm if not now that the Orthodox faith of the Holy Fathers is being adulterated? Grotesque theories are being heard and published that the papist church is a sister church, that they have grace and other blasphemes, irreverent and contrary to what the Orthodox Church stands for. The blessed Archimandrite Spyridon Bilalis writes the following. The true union of the Churches cannot succeed though the forced adaptation of the Orthodox faithful to the Latin innovations, but by the return of the schismatic and heretic Papist Church to the bosom of the “One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church”, which only the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church comprises the functional and uninterrupted continuity.     

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