Kabbalah: Occultism in “science fiction”

Kabbalah: Occultism in “science fiction”

(Introduction - Part 2)

In the second part of this trilogy we shall examine the “hollow earth” theory as an outgrowth of Kabbalistic convictions. We will also see which other theories are dependent on it, how they are presented in science fiction movies and what their significance is. The following will convince us to not watch any imaginative book peddlers on TV who promote such material, nor get up from our armchairs to make any online purchases of such material.


The position of the Kabbalists, as well as other sorcerers, astrologers and theosophists, is this: whatever happens above, is reflected below. This is the Kabbalistic doctrine of the “unified theory of Knowledge” (Jewish Gnosticism). According to this theory, just as there are seven heavens above, i.e. there are worlds with inhabited planets, so also below the surface of the earth there are seven subterranean worlds which are likewise inhabited.

Whichever way it is served, the ”hollow earth” theory may be regarded as “science fiction” in our time, but several decades ago it was regarded as a “scientific view”. For example, Sir Edmund Halley, the astronomer who discovered the comet that bears his name, was an ardent supporter of the theory. The Jewish students of the Zohar, however, did not expect to be taught their own religious convictions by Halley.

According to the Jewish teachings, there are seven worlds on Earth, the one above the other. For certain pragmatists, the seven worlds are the known continents. However, those who interpret Zohar 2 :30B & 3: 10A literally teach that these are subterranean lands, “stacked” one above the other. There are, however, those who combine Zohar 1:254A and argue that it is in reference to other dimensions.

The second opinion is the prevalent one. According to it, the surface of the Earth, where we live and move, is the seventh and topmost level - the seventh world with the name “Tevel”.

In Zohar 1: 40B it is stated that all worlds are inhabited by humanoids. In the work “Mercy to Abraham” (Chesed le-Abraham), a Kabbalistic work by Abraham ben Mordecai Azulai (1570-1643), it is mentioned that the subterranean worlds are inhabited by 365 species of beings, which are chimeras consisting of humans and animals.

In the supplement to the Zohar, known as Tikunim, it is mentioned that Adam had visited all seven underworlds. In fact, he left offspring in each of them, without making it absolutely clear what he had mated with. Zohar: 3 10A places Eden at the center of these worlds.  It was on the second level, simply called Adamah (Hebrew word for earth, land), that Cain and Abel were born (Zohar 1:253B).  “Gehenna” is placed in the fourth subterranean  world, which is called “Gey”.

In the fifth level, called Nishiyah (Hebrew word equivalent to oblivion) ​​the inhabitants are all male, there are no females at all. These beings are tiny, and have no nose, but only two nostrils to breathe (Zohar 1 254A).

Also, Zohar 1 157A tells the story of two rabbis, Hiya and Yosi. They came into contact with a being that came out of a cave. His origin was a subterranean world named Arka. The inhabitants there are humanoid, completely similar to us, with the difference that they have two heads. A discussion ensued, as the being was curious to learn information about our own world.

Certain Kabbalists believe that the inhabitants of the aforementioned world are the demons, whom they call Mazikin. Here it should be pointed out that according to the Kabbalistic tradition a distinction is made between fallen angels and demons. The Mazikin demons were partially physical beings whose creation was not completed because the first Sabbath dawned and God rested.

Because of the non-completion of their creation, they never forgave God. He has been hated since then, along with all His creations. They hate humans, and their only thought is to do evil. According to the Talmud and Midrashic tradition, the Mazikin demons are subterraneans.

The existence of humanoid reptiles (reptilians) is also placed in the subterranean universe by some Kabbalists. According to this view, hominids are an evolution of dinosaurs, which may also have lived subterraneously. According to Maimonides the reptilians are confused with the Seraphim, because the Hebrew word seraph or saraf means “reptile”.

So when Samael, also known as Satan, took the form of a serpent (to the Kabbalists, a humanoid reptile), he took the form of the Seraphim, who were holy and beautiful. With this transformation, he had managed to fool the first-fashioned couple (Adam-Eve). As mentioned above, “Eden” is at the center of the subterranean  universe – which is also where the biblical events took place.

The aforementioned excellently explain why the mass entertainment media show such haste in promoting the existence of dinosaurs. On the other hand, many science fiction movies and series have as their theme the invasion of extraterrestrial reptilians. It is the catechisis with ideas that recommends projection of serpent worship in real life.

In this article, the primary purpose was to display the Kabbalistic roots of specific science fiction theories. Secondly, both their origins are evidently from Jewish Gnosticism – both the hollow earth theory, as mentioned previously, as well as anthropoid reptilians theory. The latter - with the use of the Seraphim as their primary material, traces its origins to the Enochian literature. At the same time, serpent worship is likewise an ancient Gnostic cult (ref. “Ophites”).

In the third and final part we will examine the scalding topic of “pre-Adamians” and how evolutionary creation relates to Kabbalah.

George Hadzistamatiou   Researcher
Translation: K. N.

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