Are dialogues necessary?

     We look at the universe and we marvel at its vastness. From the earliest times man tried to tame his amazement by carefully observing and studying the universe. Its grandeur never ceased to awe man, and every new observation had a major impact on people. Human pride as expressed by the Catholic Church during the middle ages was dealt a serious blow when it was discovered by the astronomer Galileo Galilei that the earth was not the centre of the universe after all. The humiliation to the human pride was too much to bear, that the then Pope Urban forced Galileo to recant his correct observation, that the sun was the centre of our planetary system.
     With the advent of high technology human knowledge of the universe exploded many fold. Even then our knowledge is still in its infancy. We now know that our planetary system, also known as the solar system, is part of the Milky Way Galaxy which stretches some 100,000 light years, is some 1,000 light years thick and contains some 200 billion stars. Yet the universe consists of billions of such galaxies. Can the human mind comprehend such vastness?

     How could God who created such vastness be interested in man who is but a grain of sand in all the earth's sand? Why would He die for us the inconsequential nothings and call us His children?
     When God created man He created Him in His image and likeness. God is a trinity, namely three hypostases in one, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So when He created man, He made him of three hypostases in one, namely, He gave man a spirit, a soul and a body. Even though each has its own function, yet they are one and the same man. For example God gave man a spirit to have his own will, a soul to express and direct according to his will, and a body to implement it. This is not unlike God's image where   the Father's Will is expressed and directed by the Son, Jesus Christ (the Word), and implemented by the Holy Spirit (the Helper).  
     When man was created all three hypostases worked in unison, as one. Man was in harmony with his Creator. Unfortunately, after his fall the union of these three hypostases was broken. No more the soul of man expressed and directed according to the will of his spirit nor his body worked in unison with the soul's direction. Man ceased to be the creature that God had created. The result was that man was no more in the image and likeness of God. He had drifted so much from His Creator, that he lost touch with Light and Truth of God. His spirit which is the breath of God fell asleep. His soul descended to Hades and his body was buried in the bowels of the earth to rot. Man suffered the death that God forewarned him previous to his downfall.
     Still the love of God did not abandon man. Even though man suffered spiritual death, God sent him His prophets and leaders to prepare the way for man to receive His plan of salvation.
     According to His plan, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came down to earth willingly and in accordance with the Will of His Father, to show us the true path to the Promised Land, the Kingdom of God, on man's second exodus from the evil empire of the "Pharaoh". Jesus Christ having shown to man the true Way, He passed on His authority, to the Holy Apostles and subsequently to His Holy Order of Priesthood to shepherd His flock with the help of the Holy Spirit and according to God's Will. Knowing that such a trek home would be impossible by man alone, He sent the Holy Spirit from the Father to help and protect man. The Church of God, the ark of the new covenant was thus instituted.
     Unfortunately during the long trek to the promised land many lost hope and left the Church while others believing that they knew a better way, decided to change direction and follow their own path, having forgotten or ignored what Jesus Christ clearly stated that "I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6). That is why it is of greatest importance not to be swayed by those who believe that all the ways eventually lead to the Kingdom Of God. It makes no sense when the Orthodox Church goes into dialogues with the Catholics and other so called Churches to form a Universal Christian Church. To do so the Orthodox Church must negotiate a different direction that is a result of a negotiated universally agreed direction. If it were not so, why then negotiate? How could man change the direction given by Jesus Christ, God Himself? How could man change something that does not belong to him but is God's, so placing himself above His Will, above God? Is there much difference between Lucifer, who tried to outdo God by believing that he could be as high, or even higher than God and man who has already re-written the gospel by voiding the route that Jesus Christ Himself gave? Man created his own route believing that his is better, easier and quicker, thus implying that Jesus was lying when He said, " I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father   but by me" (John 14:6).  Hasn't Jesus Christ Himself given us the true Faith, the true path, through the Holy Apostles and Holy Church Fathers, His true mouthpieces, and sealed it with the Holy Canons? Then why negotiate or have dialogues with those that have already challenged God, not unlike Lucifer?
     It is evident that such dialogues are due to worldly agendas, be they worldly friendship and support, or economic/political reasons or even worse, plain hegemony. When the present Pope Benedict ascended to the pontifical throne, he made it clear by publically pronouncing that his greatest mission goal is the union of the Christian Churches. Of course what he did not say but which is to be taken for granted, is that he will always be the undisputed leader, being the vicar of Christ on earth, and possessing the keys to the Kingdom Of God. Since the Catholic faith is based on the dogma of the infallibility and supremacy of the Pope, it should leave no doubt as to whom we shall be worshiping.
     Church history from its infancy to the present, has clearly demonstrated that the Church always flourished in adversity, just like resurrection was born out  torture, crucifixion and death of her leader, Jesus Christ, and her foundations firmly anchored upon persecution and martyrdom. Why is the Orthodox Church so eager to trade her genuine jewels with the fake ones of the other so called Churches? Let the Churches that claim to possess true jewels of equal or better value, present them under the Divine Light. Of course they do not dare to do so, for their fakeness will be exposed. For how could the Catholics compare their "saints" when they spend years trying to find three "miracles" that could be attributed to their saint in order to canonize him, when an Orthodox saint emanates grace, fragrance and holiness and is attributed with countless obvious and visible miracles not only after his death but even while living?
     When God created Adam, he placed him in the Garden of Eden to look after it. So too we are placed in the new garden of Eden, the Orthodox Church and we are asked to look after it. We are instructed how to plant God's good seeds, to tend the soil, remove the tares, water them and let the grace of God shine upon them and bring forth a rich harvest. But where is this Garden of Eden? It is in our heart, within us. It is the Orthodox Church, the body of Christ which is within us. For Christ said "The Kingdom of Heaven is within us". From the Orthodox Church we obtain the good seeds which we plant in our fertile soil given to us at our baptism and tend them according to her perfect instructions. What are these good seeds? The seeds are divers, such as love, longsuffering, mercy, forgiveness, compassion, humility, obedience and the tending are the prayers, fasting, service to the needy, partaking of the holy mysteries of confession and communion, church attendance, removal of the tares by refusing to partake in gossip, criticism and judgment of our neighbor.
     We shall then harvest according to the fruit of our labours and upon it we shall be judged. For those who had given up tending their field will reap nothing but tares while those who labored diligently until harvest time shall reap a great harvest and their reward shall be great.

     Man in this life is nothing but a grain of sand, yet on resurrection day if he is deemed worthy to receive the gift of salvation will be restored to the true image and likeness of God, when the universe will be but a grain of sand to him, for God will live with man in the new Jerusalem unto eternity. Amen.                                



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