Spiritual Life and Confession.

Spiritual Life and Confession.


          "Lots of silence! Why?" In these hard and revealing days we see with much pain and sadness the defilement of the holy tabernacles and sacred places of Orthodoxy, not only by the simple appearance of heretic leaders and heretics but in addition, the openly and tedious common prayers explicitly forbidden by the incontrovertible sacred Canons of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ, sealed with His all holy blood.
          Most provocative is the co-celebrations of the Archpriests with heretics (and not simply schismatics). Level inter religious ecumenical conferences where the Orthodox Archpriests are degraded and ridiculed during their participation in televised co-celebrations, they not only vilify themselves but also our unblemished and holy Orthodoxy. And all this goes beyond the boundary of patience, sufferance, and scandalizes the Orthodox flock. And while the Orthodox people worry, struggle and mourn every time such sad events take place, with the crowning lately being the visit by the Pope at Phanar as well as that of the Archbishop of Athens to Rome. And while respectable Professors and others write and complain with clear intention and conscientious dogmatic sensitivity, those that bear the spiritual responsibility for their flock not only they keep silent but also give no explanation of their inexplicable and inadmissible ecumenical conflicting steps.
         And we proceed. We bear no ill will and we do not believe ourselves to be unblemished and clean in front of the all good God. We do not feel comfortable as monks to question our shepherds or anybody else. In the contrary we know we must practice self incrimination, "always judge yourself" and to be cognizant that our sins bring everything bad. However, on the issue of Faith with heavy heart (if not mourning) we owe it to let go the "inopportune silence" and to consider the "opportune word" to follow diligently in the footsteps of the great Holy Godbearing Fathers of the desert, who would leave or rather sacrifice their greatly prized silence and their tear soaked caves and descend to the cities for the love of Orthodoxy, for support and salvation of their brothers that was achievable, only within the holy Orthodox Church, the keeper of the Word of Truth.
        With this and no other wish or intention we write these lines with heavy heart wishing to ask. Why do the holy Archpriests keep silent, as do the holy Abbotts and Spiritual Fathers?

          Often we hear from pilgrims severe complaints and accusations. Is it possible we are fearful of the cost of our protest? Is it possible we are afraid of the loss of favour and support of the hierarchy for internal issues of our Metropolis? Is it possible the denial of the hope of an anticipated and anti-canonical and illicitly pursued move? Is it possible the loss of the bishop's mantia (cloak) and "throne" (and not the Cross)? Is it possible the loss of financial subsidies and non completion of different building projects? And many more which we could write but avoid to so that we may not scandalize any further . Are they worth it, holy Fathers to sacrifice and trample so much our Orthodox conscience which loudly cries and protests against all these things we observe to occur in our evil days?
        And if our Archbishop (Despot) Christ in His Holy Bible says "But I say unto you, that every idle word that men speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matt: 12:36) then for our guilty and "inopportune silence" how much explaining shall we have to give? And if we keep silent for all these things that happen, because we are busy, absorbed and troubled by many (renovations, reconstructions etc) Luke 10:42, our silence becomes guilty.
        And why so much study, so much grey matter, so much trouble and ceaseless care, so much uncertainty and continuously increasing obligations and (at least suspect) bickering for the preservation of the cultural heritage? It is fine all these blessings and the "worthy is the reward" of so much hardship. However, for our spiritual heritage of our Faith which we received from our holy Fathers and is continuously betrayed in our days, what should we do? What do we do? What shall we do?
         What shall we do for the spiritual Apostolic heritage of the Orthodox Faith which our holy Fathers kept and not only with their sweat but with their blood so many times? What shall we do for what was handed to us to protect as sacred inheritance, spotless, uninfected, unadulterated and unblemished from all miasma of heresies and the guarantee of the implementation without breach of the holy Canons? What shall we do for this sacred heritage of the Orthodox unblemished Faith, which was passed down to us by unanimously telling us: "Receive this heritage and protect her till the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ that you may claim her from Him".
         And where is to-day the Lavra of Great Euthymius? Only traces of ruins survive and these are in foreign hands. However, St Euthymius who struggled vigorously against the heresy of his time and braced the Orthodox faithful and helped with his stance, confession and holy life, a multitude of even heretics returned to the Truth, he remains Great. Where are the magnificent Catholic and imposing buildings of the Studio and the rest of the historical monasteries of the City? The Byzantine ornamented buildings of the sacred monasteries of Olympus of Bithynia? They are in ruins and are trampled underfoot by non Christians.
         Yet, those that did everything possible and struggled without yielding to preserve complete the holy heritage of the unblemished Orthodox Faith, the only one that saved the Truth, the only unshameful hope of this transitory and wretched world. They remain our symbols to this day. They remain our marching leaders, the unshakable Forts and early fighters of the Orthodox Faith.
         Why then this "much silence" brothers and Fathers? Holy Patriarchs and holy Hierarchs we have come to abuse the holy Canons, infallible and inviolate, innocent and blameless without us ever giving any explanations in the struggles and scandals of the Orthodox flock which was entrusted to you by the Despot (Archbishop) Christ?
         All these thoughts we had during the holy sleepless Sunday of Orthodoxy. These "why's" gave us a lot of pain. And hearing the troparia and reflecting on the holy Father Confessors, we let our sad intellect to transport us noetically on the roads, the dark alleys and the horrible prisons of Constantinople and to see there the holy confessors being dragged and   mercilessly tormented, in chains, sworn at and ridiculed for their confession of the Orthodox Faith.
         But were they not afraid?   Where did they find such strength? Everybody stared at them with horror and puzzled.   Where did they find such strength honourable Hierarchs, humble monks and skeletized ascetics? Didn't they calculate the cost of their protest?
         Truthfully they did not need to fear losing anything. They had already given everything away. They had only diligently kept even by sacrificing their lives, the only thing they needed, "A soul and Christ (the Orthodox Faith), according to the blood soaked words of the hieromartyr and their successor the holy Cosma the Etolos. Their body had already melted away from their asceticism. Their vain and foolish ambitions and lust for primacy after unending and tough struggles had ceased their voracious expectations. They finally retreated in front of the victorious power of the holy virtues after harrowing (completely) beastly battles which only the Bridegroom of their souls knows to this day. And above, the divine love of the Despot Christ understood their clean and pure hearts with no margin for other lesser  ..... loves. They became "as an eye" and would not tolerate the smallest disturbance of their conscience whether monastic or dogmatic or....... They were irreconcilable. Crystals. That is why they revolted against the then adulteration of the Orthodox Faith. At this point we returned deeply affected in our earlier questions since we had already received their answer.

          We do not have therefore Orthodox Confession, because we do not have Orthodox spiritual life. We have firstly betrayed Orthodoxy and her holy Canons in our personal life and later with our non-Orthodox "confession" in the ecumenical conferences, to the Synods (continuing, extraordinary etc) at the meetings ("double" or single) at our pseudo self- checks. We have continuously violated and trampled our conscience, adapting her to our worldly life, and for this we trample our dogmatic conscience as well. We have become worldly and that is why we prefer the social compliments, pursuits and acknowledgment of this world's honours to the priceless holy Orthodoxy of the holy Father Confessors. We have unfortunately acquired unorthodox (papist and protestant) habits and as a result we have an "unorthodox" confession.
          And so unequivocally why should it bother us the shredding of the Apostolic dogmatic Traditions by those who naturally place papism ahead, when we, ourselves, have become accustomed to ignore and trample the holy canons explaining them according to our personal goals and by exploiting wrongly the renown "economy"? And when we became accustomed to contravening the all holy Will of the all Pure God in everyday personal life? It is therefore natural and logical consequence that we do not hesitate to relocate the "boundaries" which the Godbearing holy Fathers under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, placed them as beacons in this immutable and stormy life. It does not bother us. We do not protest.
          We abandon this life, and we abandon the confession of our holy Fathers. The ascetic Fathers, of the ascetic life, of the purification, of the denials, of the prayers of the heart and of the unremitting attention. The Fathers whose hearts before the confession and submission to hardships, submitted themselves under the divine love of the Despot (Archbishop) Christ, of our Saviour and Builder of the One Holy and unchanging Church.
         It follows, we believe the problem is not the ignorance of the Orthodox Theology and of the heretic falsehoods, because our Arch-hierarchs and the rest of our Shepherds are mostly educated and informed. Many of them (of the silent ones) certainly are highly educated, some are academics, others are teachers, and even some are Professors of Universities. The solution of this problem should have been easy after some study and some dogmatic and canonic acquaintance. Unfortunately the problem is deeper. We all suffer in the spiritual life. That is where our deficiency is.
         We must therefore rectify our life and adjust it according to the way of the Fathers, so that we may acquire a clear conscience, struggling, vigilant and protesting against all "foreign" and "from the adversary".
         Oh holy Fathers and Confessors, intercede in these days when the Orthodox Faith and Confession is continuously betrayed that our Lord makes known to us holy hierarchs and confessors (even a few), holy Abbotts and Spiritual Fathers who would stand up for their Orthodox Faith and confess loudly (at the Patriarchal, hierarchal and monastic synods). "We stand with fear, we stand with terror". Them we hope for, for them we pray night and day. Them we shall support while being supported by them. May it happen.
         By the prayers of the holy Fathers and Confessors of our Orthodox Faith, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Amen.        

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