

About Demons 

Someone who held a big position in society believed in Spiritualism. At night he did spiritualist gatherings with his friends at his home and his wife would be hypnotized.

"Get away from these things," a relative of his told him.

"They are good," he answered! "We communicate there with God and the Saints."

"With Satan you communicate," he told him. "Take and read this book." He gave him my book, "Does Sorcery Exist?". When he read it, he said:

"I will go see him who wrote it." And he came. He went to confession, quit everything and entered upon God's path. Then a while later he told me:

"I am suffering. I can't sleep at night. They [the demons] hit the walls, the floors, as if they are taking everything apart. I was forced to change homes, but even in the new one they do the same things. Please come and read."

One night after the sermon, we set out from Kaniggos Square with a taxi to go to his home for me to read prayers. A dreadful sick feeling overcame me. While when we passed outside my Monastery, I felt like dying. Satan wanted to make me not go. I insisted, wqent and read. However, when he finished, he told me:

"We also have an offering."

"What is that?" I asked. "Is it from the Churche's proskomedia service?"

"No" he told me. "That came, when we did a gathering, on its own, invisibility."

It was a little branch with a few leaves, tied with a silk ribbon. I wanted to burn it. They brought me a bottle of alcohol and an empty pot, to burn it in there. I went out to the verandah, placed it in the pot, threw quite a bit of alcohol and set it afire. The torch arose not straight up but turned in a winding direction. It was Satan's presence. Then I remembered that when we were small and saw a windstorm, we said that the demons are dancing. When afterwards I told this to someone who was in Spiritualism, he told me that thus the torch comes out in Spiritualism.

When we turned to the Monastery at night he told me:

"At the previous house I had this offering behind the Panagia's icon and the icon would knock. In this one, however, it does not. I had it far from the icon."

"Blessed one," I told him "since you placed satan near her? How could she not knock?" The following day, he told me, that in the room things calmed down, knocks could be heard only from outside.

I then sent a newly ordained priest, who had never done a Holy Water service. I indicated to him what he would read and how he would do the Holy Water service, these spiritualistic phenomenons did not appear again.

Only once, when I wanted to make a committee against the sorcerers, the mediums, Spiritualism I would put him also on it, then satan was enraged, but after reading prayers he stopped. In this committee I also had a Priest. He following an understanding Archbishop Chrysostom the second got into spiritualist circles in Kallithea. He pretended to be one of them. I had also given him a small cassette recorder. In one gathering the hypnotized medium that he was speaking with the Archangel Michael. But the Priest inside himself was praying, saying the All-Holy Trinity etc. Then the hypnotized one got shook up and went towards the Priest. The others thought that the Priest was the chosen one of the Archangel and worshipped the Priest. And the spirit didn't realise that the Priest was a spy and that in his cassoc sleeve he had the cassette recorder. I hold that tape.

So he on the night in which he was to enter the committee he suffered. He was in the kitchen of his home and the wind blew so much that the thick glass of his window broke.

The third one was reading at his home. On the heater, he had chestnuts which he was roasting. But they were shooting with power and all of them hit him at a certain spot of his chest. He was forced to take them off the fire. Then a strong wind broke the glass of his window. He took a blanket and plugged it up. Then the heater lit up and swelled. He took another blanket and stuffed it to put it out. Then he hears the trampling of a cavalry on the roof. His son who was religiously indifferent, got scared after this, run and found incense and burned it all night long and kept praying and doing his cross.

Why did I narrate these things? I did because satan's presence shows and that however goes with him, leaves with difficulty.

So far away from spiritualists, satanisms, occults, and the like. We should know that when we are near God, he cannot touch us.

"My sheep, no one is able to grab away from my hand", our Lord said.  

About Demons

"Orthodox Kypseli" Publication

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