
Unia - Uniates

What is the meaning of this word, Unia? This word is Polish meaning union. So, the one that belongs to Unia is called Uniate. Every Uniate has his life's purpose to draw the Orthodox Christians to the falsehoods of Papism. If however this is what a lay Uniate wishes, that much more does the Uniate clergy.
"Beware of the false prophets, who come to you dressed in sheepskins, while within they are wolves (Mark 6:15)

"Unia" is Papism in disguise, wearing Orthodox vestments. They are wolves disguised as sheep, who, by mimicking Orthodoxy, fool... (6/14/09)
Unia. A letter by the Patriarch Poemen of Moscow addressed to the Archbishop Seraphim of Athens. (6/6/09)
Papism and Unia. "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you dressed in sheepskins, while within they are wolves (Mark 6:15)... (3/30/08)
Papism. The archievements of the Unia.We are Orthodox from Czechoslovakia. God permitted for us to be greatly tested. We feel, He is burning and testing us like gold in a crucible...
unia. It is preferable to die in prison, than to deny my glorious faith” (Confessor Fr. John of Romania 1776)

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