Ecumenism Holy cloister of saint Savvas


        With this article we would like to express our deepest pain, sorrow and concern for what   is   happening lately   against the unblemished, beloved Orthodoxy by members of the antichristian heresy of ecumenism. They make us forgo our hermitic quietness and raise our humble voice together with other Orthodox resisters; hierarchs, prelates, priests, monks, nuns and lay Orthodox members, "stand well, stand with fear of God" God's grace made us worthy to have as our patron saints in our monastic life, Saint Blessed Savvas and Saint John Damaskinos who struggled against the Monophysites and Iconoclasts. What occurs in the conferences and liturgical concelebrations of the godless ecumenists with unfortunately the support of Orthodox Patriarchs and prelates has overcome the limits of our charity and patience. Our Orthodox faith is played with, trespassed and distorted from within, with unfortunately the indifference of the majority. Our saint fathers, whose graceful presence we experience daily, are calling us more than ever before to bravely follow in their tracks and become alert guardians of our Orthodox faith, which has been instituted more than 1500 years ago.
         The holy and worshipful cloister of Saint Savvas boasts in the Lord because it is the cradle of monastics and maternal sustenance of a great number of holy martyrs, advocates and prelates throughout the centuries. All the saints, old or new "finished the good fight, kept the faith " and were not   as it was blasphemously written "unlucky victims of the evil snake", but full of the Holy Spirit, living even after death as voicelessly declared by the incorrupt relics of Saint Savvas.
We learned from them not to censer, nor chant the polychronium for, or honor the heretic Pontiff and the other impious, unrepentant heretics, but in the contrary to abhor and condemn their insane worship.
        A visit to the holy places in Palestine, would suffice to the followers of the false coalition of Latins and indiscreet love, to personally deduce and ascertain for themselves the underhanded, devious   members of Uniates and other false Christians who maintain that we are all one and the same.
Brethren, "God did not give us a spirit of timidity but of power". The times call us to repentance and true confession of faith. Let nobody become a turncoat and traitor. We should be believers and remain Orthodox until our death, that we may win the crown of life "which our Lord promised to those who love Him".

Blessed and holy Lent (2007) . With hearty, agonistic greetings And in the Lord's cordial wishes.

Archim. Evdokimos, Spiritual father of the saint Savvas' holy cloister and all fathers in it.



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