Prior to the 2nd Coming of Christ to the world, according to the Holy Scripture and the Fathers of the Orthodox Church, the Antichrist will precede -- a most impious man activated by Satan. Saint Cyri Ι of Jerusalem informs us that the Α nt ί christ "is coming... when the close ofthe world is approaching", that he will reveal all his murderous disposition against the Church, and "against all (people) especially against us Christians". According to Saint John Chrysostom, the Antichrist will be a person accepting all the energy of Satan. "What will he notwork then? He will move all, he will disturb all..  , for he willwork a m ί ll ίο n things and prepare others to work hard­ships" (P.G. 62, 482). "When the Antichrist becomes prevail­ing," says the sacred Chrysostom, "he will persecute the Church of God and reveal his wickedness..." 

The Antichrist wil precede the 2nd Coming of Christ. He will preach ο n earth a worldwide persecution against the faith­ful, and for this reason...
Prophesy.The people that will be living around the eighth century (7500 years since the creation), will acquiesce into corruption of the flesh ....
Saint John Chrysostom- On the Antichrist. ....if the apostasy does not appear first to reveal the man of sin, the son of perdition... (12/5/07)
Antichrist. St. John of Cronstadt from Russia narrates this vision he had on January 1901. (12/15/07)


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